
August 8, 2022

Choosing your Website Color Palette

Whether you're designing a brand-new website or changing the color scheme of an existing one, the palette you pick is super important. After all, Sonoma County online marketing and branding relies heavily on color. Have you ever noticed that the logos of nearly all fast food restaurants feature the colors red and yellow? This is so because they both promote hunger!
August 8, 2022

What to Ask During a Web Design Consultation

When doing a consult with your Santa Rosa website designer, it's critical to ask the right questions. The company you choose to create your new site will directly impact the creative process, the final product, and ultimately your business. These 7 questions are good to ask before pulling the trigger on your web design for your California business.
July 13, 2022

The importance of Content Creation in Web Design

Quality content is vital for the success of high-ranking websites. According to the Santa Rosa website company, quality content keeps the clients on your website for longer. The client will be more likely to return to the website if the content is high quality. The search engine bots also prefer websites with quality content over those with poor content. Therefore, it is crucial to have quality content for your website because:
July 13, 2022

The Advantage of Having a Web Developer and Web Designer as part of Your Team

A web developer and designer are crucial staff in developing and effectively running a company website. Typically, a web developer writes the code of the company website while the web designer are tasked with ensuring the site runs efficiently and is aesthetically appealing. All companies should at least have the two on their team to ensure that users experience a positive and effective online experience. According to Santa Rosa Website Company, here are some benefits of having a web developer and web designer on your team.
May 6, 2022

Signs that it is time to re-brand and redesign your website

Building and designing your business website is a thrilling yet tiresome process. As an entrepreneur, you must select the company logo, pictures, font, and color schemes. A functional website is a primary interactive arena for you and your clients. However, an outdated website means that you could be losing out on potential clients. Here are signs that it is time to re-brand and redesign your website.
May 6, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to an SEO friendly Blog Post

According to Santa Rosa SEO, your blog posts should have a keyword density of about 4%. This means that your keywords should appear 4% of the time in your blog post. The keywords you choose will determine the audience that reads your blog, so it is crucial to select the right keywords.
April 28, 2022

What are the elements of an impeccable SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is used to improve website visibility on a search engine tool like Google. SEO is broadly classified into On-site SEO and Off-site SEO. According to Santa Rosa Search Engine Optimization, On-site SEO refers to optimizing the website to achieve top rankings. In contrast, Off-site SEO is the optimization of a website's links and popularity on other websites or social media sites.
March 16, 2022

How the Use of Keywords can Help Improve SEO

In addition, the meta description is an HTML tag that gives information about your website. This is where you can tell searchers more about your site. Both of these elements are very important to SEO. If you don't have any information in these areas, it will be hard for searchers to find your website and know what they are looking for. As a result, they will click away from your site and go to another one. Santa Rosa Search Engine Optimization recommends strategically adding keywords to titles and meta descriptions and using keywords in relevant anchor text.