
March 31, 2023

Why a Blog Benefits Your Santa Rosa Website Design

A business can benefit a lot from having a blog, which makes a blog an important piece of your website design. With many brands integrating a blog, it is a great tool that can educate customers about products they are in search of so that they can make an informed decision. What many don’t know is how a blog can actually benefit a company. These benefits are what we will cover today.
March 9, 2023

What is an accessible website

When website accessibility is created, individuals who have disabilities are able to access online information equally. Plus, this accessibility provides a unique experience for all users while allowing your website to enjoy enhanced optimization.When optimized, the website is able to achieve a higher ranking among search engines and thus a wider audience.
March 9, 2023

Why Should I Hire a Web Designer Instead of Doing it Myself?

When a web search is conducted, it provides a lot of convenience in order for things to get done. So when a lead visits your site, it needs to impress them the first time and appearing professional will surely do it. When your website is designed professionally your brand is enhanced and allows customers to trust you. The design that you instill will have various outcomes. Hiring a web designer will make certain that the values reflect your business so that there are no issues.
February 24, 2023

Characteristics of a good website company

No matter what your business is, it is important to have a website that works great. This means the website company that makes your website also needs to be great. Knowing this, you also need to realize that not all website companies are equally good. In order for your experience to be a positive one, the website company needs to have some qualities that make them different from the rest.
February 24, 2023

How to tell if your web designer is working for you or against you

In order to ensure that your website adheres to the latest practices and standards, you need to remain involved as much as possible in its design. This way you won’t have a liability on your hands that could cost you dearly. So it is important to tell if your web designer is working for you or against you. Below are a few ways to tell.
January 7, 2023

Choosing an online marketer in Santa Rosa

Searching for an online marketer in Santa Rosa is not as complicated as it may sound. However, the difficult part may be how to choose the best out of many. With the internet easily accessible today, the services offered online can be obtained by anyone. However, when the requirements are low, you may have trouble finding an online marketer that is right for you. Below are some attributes to look out for when you choose your online marketer in Santa Rosa. What their Specialty Is Each online marketer will be different from the next. This means each will have specific specialties in online marketing. Having a specialty is great so you are able to make the right choice because the online marketer will be able to help your website directly. Make sure that the online marketer has a clear understanding of their specialty. You will know that they understand their field based on the amount of experience they possess. In […]
January 7, 2023

Optimizing your web design for higher rankings

Frequently, when the web design is too heavy, the site can start to lag and become slow. When lagging occurs, it can have a huge impact on visitors and Google and thus hurting your rankings. The website page speed is a factor in ranking on Google. To ensure that your web-page is up to speed while designing it, it needs to have images optimized, plugins removed, permit caching, and incorporate a content delivery network.
December 12, 2022

Tips on how to improve your SEO on your WordPress website

When you own a business website that caters to the public, any visitors you have need to be able to search and find you. You want to also ensure that the SEO keywords they use to search are those that you also incorporate within your WordPress website content. That is why we have the best tips on how to improve your SEO on your WordPress website.