Hacked Website Repair


Hacked Website Repair

You may have been unfortunate enough to have your website hacked. If you got a notification informing you of the presence of a malware, or if your site is defaced, you may panic. However, what you need to do is to take the right action as soon as possible.

Besides losing clients, you will be faced with the possibility of getting blacklisted by Google and other search engines. You may want to contact K2 Website Design for the hacked website repair services that will restore your website before it is too late.

Assessing the Damage

Assessing the damage done by the website is a critical step that must be taken to ensure that the hacked website fix is thorough and complete. However, the first step may involve backing up your files in case you had not backed them up before.

A professional will then check the extent of the damage. For example, how many files were infected? Did the attack affect the database? Do you have any sensitive information and to what extent was it affected? In case you are in an organization, the relevant parties ought to be informed immediately in case any sensitive data was tampered with.

Eliminating the Threat

A thorough scan of any malware that may have infected the system is done. There are tools that can accomplish this task with a high level of accuracy and efficiency. Viruses and malware programs change their profile every now and then.

There is no guarantee that tools the average person uses can perform this task with the required level of efficiency. K2 Website design has the expertise and experience to ensure that the threat is completely eliminated.

Restoring Your Backup and Plug-ins

The next step is restoring files from the backup. All files would need to be restored. At this stage all the files must be replaced as they were in order to restore the functionality of the site. This is a task that needs to be performed with skill and organization to ensure the restoration is done correctly. For example, it is not advisable to backup sensitive files online. The initial backup could be compromised y hackers as you’re trying to rectify the problem on your website.

You’ll also need to restore the full functionality of the site. This means that the hacked website repair service will have to restore applications, extensions and plug-ins that you had installed before the repair was done.

A professional service like K2 Website Design, can help you determine if there are any plug-ins, themes, or extensions that may be opening up your site to vulnerabilities. Sometimes, WordPress users may not be aware of the extensions that they have installed on the site. Some of these add-ons may not provide any meaningful function while at the same time, slowing your web page and leaving it vulnerable.

Blacklisted Site

If your site has already been black listed by the search engines, it is possible to reverse it. A hacked website fix service will ensure that the site has been removed from Yahoo, Bing, or Google’s blacklist.

You need to remove the site from the blacklist only after the threat has been completely removed and back up restored. Failure to do this and your website will remain black listed. You could potentially lose your SEO rankings, not to mention visitors to your site who will be forced to avoid your site due to the warning from the search engine. If on the other hand you eliminated the threats completely, you can apply to the search engines for a review.

Preventing Future Threats

The advantage of hiring a hacked website repair service is that you can take advantage of the professional help to ensure the right security measures have been implemented. This will prevent future attacks on your website. It involves setting up security measures that are tailored according to the profile of your site.

The malware programs that are currently circulating on the internet have evolved to accommodate the hackers’ needs. Initially they were meant to cause destruction. However, they are no longer easy to detect because they are meant to run in the background for monetary reasons. A hacked website fix service is a must if you want to be sure your site has been completely restored.