
April 26, 2016

Why Magento Website Design is Preferred

Magento website design has become one of the go to platforms for e-Commerce web development for several reasons. The ease of use and its ability to accommodate several different extensions helps tremendously in the fact that this can improve your site tremendously. The largest consideration when thinking about integrating Magento website design, is where to start and what is the most efficient way to create an e-Commerce site?
April 29, 2015

Bay Area Website Design

No matter where you are or where your business is, you can hire a website design team from down the street... or the other side of the world. Proprietors in this industry are remarkable in two regards: their ubiquity and the ease with which they can do their jobs remotely from anywhere. This is actually really great because such a field of competition drives innovation and keeps standards fairly high.
April 11, 2015

The Business Value of Professional E-Commerce : Get Your Own Webstore

No matter whether you operate a clothing boutique in Manhattan or a Wisconsin dairy, a factory in Pennsylvania or a Southern California surfshop, the last few decades have borne witness to huge and wide-sweeping changes in the business landscape. Innumerable new technologies have been developed; however, none have been as important as the Internet. With websites serving as hubs for commerce, as well as instant communication with email, the Internet has revolutionized how businesses are run. Nowadays businesses must maintain an internet presence to stay competitive.
April 7, 2015

Tech Companies Battling in International Relations: Google, China, Europe

The last couple of days have seen new reports of the largest tech companies battling it out with governmental agencies around the world. While all international businesses have to comply with regulations of the governments of the countries in which they do business, the big tech companies occupy a unique sphere of the market – the gateways to the internet, which is a public utility – and are large enough to flex their power both offensively and defensively. This context has created a situation in which giants such as Google, Facebook, and Apple are regularly stepping into the ring of international relations.
March 25, 2015

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Will Ruin Your Business

If your website is not mobile-friendly by April 21st, Google will throw your website under the bus. I have seen it before. Now that 60%+ of website views are on mobile devices, Google has decided to punish websites that don’t work on them. When the Panda and Penguin algorithm happened, five websites that I was manager of SEO for went from #1 on Page 1 on Google to page 8, 10, and worse. The new mobile-friendly algorithm has been dubbed “Mobilegeddon” by the Entrepreneur.
March 23, 2015

Major Browsers Hacked at Pwn2Own Contest

All four major website browers, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Apple's Safari were hacked at the Pwn2Own contest in Vancouver, Canada on Thursday. JungHoon (lokihardt) of South Korea was able to hack all four browsers by himself. He was rewarded with $225,000 USD and new laptops. The Chrome hack was the largest payout since the contest started, resulting in $75,000 in prize money.
March 23, 2015

Anonymous Hacks NYPD Union Website?

The YPD Captains Endowment Association website was recently hacked by an anonymous hacker group. It has been declared that "no confidential information has been compromised." Anonymous was accused of the attack, but recently has stated that they did not actually inject malware into the website. They also jabbed NYPD for targeting and abusing the people it is meant to protect, and that the attack was expected due to their previous actions.
March 19, 2015


My team and I have been moaning and groaning about Internet Explorer and its browser compatibility and old version compatibility problems for years. We are excited to hear more about the Spartan Project coming later this year. Spartan will be coupled with Windows 10 and, according to a Microsoft employee during a tour last month, will be able to provide high quality browser compatibility and fast load times. The software may be exclusively available for computers and devices operating on the Microsoft Windows 10 platform.